13 July 2005

New Arrivals! 13 June 2005

Abby and Kati have been saving their money for several months to buy new dolls. Today, they finally arrived! This is Abby and "Joéy."

Kati and "Andrea"


Mmm, Orange Sherbert!

The "new mommies" with their babies

11 July 2005

Scenes from Tennis Lessons- 11 June 2005

"Want to see my mommy, dad!"

Abby is up...

Here it comes, Kati!

Kati give a powerful swing!

Dori got to play on the slide while her sisters played tennis.

Abby steadies her ball.

Kati and Abby attempt to balance their balls on their rackets.

Greg at Windcrest Bible Camp- 04-08 July 2005

The Boys From Cabin 12.

Some of the guys from our cabin (and Justin, blue shirt, far left) got together and sang "'Till The Storm Passes By."

While up at Windcrest, we got the bright idea of having an alternative flag raising for the US campers (Windcrest is in New Brunswick, Canada). Let's just say I got a little wet over this one!

Dori ran into Cookie Monster and Joe Everson again, this time up at Windcrest.